
Need of quality under high temperature firing process

Ceramics is known to be a material similar to pottery and is now widely used as an industrial product in various circumstances of the industrial world. Over the years, ceramics developed in both the extent of its use as well as the quality and reliability, increasing the need of an improved quality control under high temperature firing process.

Difficulty in firing process

Firing process is typically controlled by monitoring the thermal profile, but in most cases the actual thermal history of the products in the kiln varies depending on many factors such as the type of kiln and/or the heat capacity.

How Referthermo works

Referthermo enables to verify the thermal uniformity of the firing process by simply measuring the dimensional change after heating it along with the product being manufactured.

Referthermo provides five different types to cover various temperature ranges between 600Deg.C and 1700Deg.C.

Please see more detail spec and usage

About Japan Fine Ceramic Center

As a part ofJapan’s Advanced Material Promotion Project, in 1985, JFCC was established under the supervision of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry, now known as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

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